
How to configure or easily setup company email account / web mail account on an Android device in 2025

Set up email account on your Android device

Configure or setup company email account or web-mail account on your Android device or Thunderbird.


Today , we will see how we can set up or configure the email account on your Android device such as web-mail account. Here we will use Gmail app because in new mobile phones email app is not there so we have to configure using Gmail app only.

This tutorial is divided into 4 sections.

  • Add a New Email Account
  • Incoming Mail Server
  • Outgoing Mail Server
  • Account Options

Lets start with the first one:

Add a New Email Account

  1. Open the Gmail app and navigate to the Settings section.
  2. Tap Add account.
  3. Tap Personal (IMAP/POP) and then Next.
  4. Enter your full email address and tap Next.
  5. Choose the type of email account you will be using.
    • POP3 will download the emails from the server and store them on your phone.
    • IMAP will store the emails on the server and show a cached copy on your phone. IMAP is best in most cases.
    • Exchange is not supported because it requires a Microsoft Exchange server
  6. Enter the password for your email address and tap Next.

Incoming Server Settings


  1. Username: Enter your full email address
  2. Password: Enter the password for your email account
  3. Server: This is your domain name preceded by “mail.” like
  4. Port and Security Type:
    • If you’re using POP, choose either:
      • Secure – Port: 995 and Security Type: SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
      • Insecure – Port: 110 and Security Type: None
    • If you’re using IMAP, choose either:
      • Secure – Port: 993 and Security Type: SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
      • Insecure – Port: 143 and Security Type: None (Accept all certificates)
  5. Once the settings are entered, tap Next.


Outgoing Server Settings

  1. Select Require Sign-In.
  2. Username: Enter your full email address
  3. Password: Enter the password for your email account
  4. Server: This is your domain name preceded by “mail.” like
  5. For SMTP Port and Security Type, choose either:
    • Secure – Port: 465 and Security Type: SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
    • Insecure – Port: 26 and Security Type: None (Accept all certificates)
  6. Once the settings are entered, tap Next.

Account Options

  1. Email Checking Frequency: Set how often you would like your device to check for new emails.
    Note: The more regularly your device checks for new emails the more it drains your battery.
  2. Notify me when email arrives: Leave this checked if you would like to be notified of new emails.
  3. Sync email from this account: Leave this checked if you want email to be checked automatically.
  4. Tap Next.

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